Smart home - step into the future

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Speaking of the most intelligent house is a building that has been equipped with modern technologies to increase the comfort and security of its inhabitants. One of its key features is the ability to increase energy efficiency in the use and operation of the building.

The development of technology undoubtedly affects our everyday life. We use it at work and at home. It is to help us do something faster and more efficiently, communicate faster, increase the sense of security; it could be exchanged for a long time. In short, technology is to make life easier for us. The idea of ​​intelligent construction is relatively new and certainly still not very common. Until recently, the intelligent building was synonymous with something exclusive and elite. However, at present smart home systems are becoming more and more affordable and they will be widely used or even necessary in a moment.

Contributing to this fact is the growing awareness of the need to reduce the energy consumed. In addition, the European Parliament's directive from 2010 imposes on the member countries the obligation to from the beginning of 2019 all newly built public buildings, and from the beginning of 2021, all new house designs arising in the European Union they were developed with the idea of ​​the lowest possible energy consumption. In the building being built, intelligent installation can be based on traditional cabling. In the existing one, if you want to avoid wall forging and renovation, radio wireless systems are usually used. The intelligent installation design must be based on a detailed analysis of the needs and requirements of the inhabitants.

How a smart home facilitates everyday functioning

In the past, each of the installations used in the home had one task and an individual automation with separate controllers and remote controls, eg an alarm system or a heating boiler. At the time when new and increasingly modern installations appeared in homes: air conditioning and ventilation, various lighting, blinds (internal and external), multimedia or irrigation of the garden, a k? trouble related to separate control. Intelligent technologies in this case were created on the basis of the need to connect individual systems in one in order to unified and easy control.

The work of a smart home is based on the work of a computer - an extensive driver that collects and processes signals from sensors located in the home and garden. Words - keys that appear on the password "smart house" are mainly:

  • Comfort - the convenience of using a smart home system is based on the remote execution of a number of control and management activities for the users.
  • State - initiation of alarm, security or deterrent procedures when dangerous situations appear outside or inside a building: outside traffic during the absence of residents - send Information to the owners and the security office, but also lighting, blinds or door lock; inside: smoke, carbon, hypothermia, flood, etc.
  • Savings in the use of the building - estimated, intelligent installation can save about 30% of costs. Properly configured influences the consumption of electricity and gas. For example: working with motion sensors will turn off the light when no one is in the room, turn off the air conditioning after opening the window/door to the terrace, lower the temperature and remove it ... whether from the electrical network unnecessary equipment for the night of sleep and/or absence of household members, it will not start the irrigation system of the garden if it has recently been raining.


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